Kita selalu tak tahu mensyukuri nikmat hidup dalam negara aman damai macam Malaysia di mana pemimpin kita bersama pasukan keselamatan yang kita ada sentiasa menjaga kepentingan rakyat dan memberi yang terbaik kepada kita. Sedang kita menglibatkan diri dengan manusia bodoh yang mahu menjahanamkan negara, pemimpin kita dan pasukan polis sedaya upaya bergadai masa, tenaga malah nyawa sekalipun untuk memastikan kesejahteraan bersama. Saya nak tanya, kalau anda di tempat pasukan polis yang terpaksa berdiri berjam-jam lamanya bagi memastikan keadaan selamat dan aman, kalau anda adalah antara orang yang dimaki hamun dan dilempar objek-objek keras sedangkan anda cuma menjalankan tanggungjawab, apa yang anda rasa?? Apa yang anda buat? Kalau anda adalah anak seorang anggota polis yang bila pulang ayah anda ke rumah, anda dapat lihat dengan jelas luka-luka dan calar-balar di badannya, sedangkan di kaca televisyen dan di dada akhbar sesak dengan lemparan tohmahan bahawa polis mengasari orang awam, apa yang anda rasa? Apa yang anda rasa bila ayah anda dengan berpakaian uniform terlantar di katil hospital dengan darah yang masih belum kering setelah di langgar orang awam semasa menjalankan tugas? Apa yang anda rasa?
Ayah pernah pulang ke rumah, dengan wajah lelah dan kesal bercerita betapa dia hampir menembak mati seorang pelajar belasan tahun dalam satu situasi kejar mengejar kerana menyangkakan pelajar itu adalah seorang penjenayah yang lari dari sekatan dan hampir melanggar polis. Tiba di satu lorong mati, kereta tersebut tidak dapat bergerak lagi. Sedang di dalam senapang tersimpan 100 butir peluru yang bakal terlepas serentak dengan sekali tembak, keluar dari kereta yang hampir remuk akibat dipandu terlalu laju hingga melanggar semua kereta di tepi jalan, seorang remaja bertubuh kecil dengan wajah ketakutan dan hampir terkencing. Bayangkan jika ayah sempat melepaskan tembakan? Tak mustahil wajah ayah akan berada di muka depan akhbar, sama dengan kisah yang terjadi dalam kes Aminurrasyid. Bila terjadi sesuatu kejadian melibatkan anggota polis dan orang awam, kita terlalu cepat buat spekulasi kerana kita sangka tugas polis melindungi orang awam, sedangkan kita lupa polis tak pernah kebal dengan kecederaan dan kematian. Polis juga adalah manusia biasa yang perlu melindungi diri sendiri selain orang awam kerana masih ada anak isteri yang menanti mereka di rumah. Jangan hanya nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga.
You wonder why he pulled you over and gave you a ticket for speeding...
He just worked on an accident where people died because they were going too fast
You wonder why that cop was so mean...
He's just work on a case where a drunk driver killed a kid
You work for 8 hours...
He works for up to 18 hours
You drink hot coffee to stay awake...
The cold rain in the middle of the night keeps him awake.
You complain of a "headache", and consider it as falling sick ....
He goes to work even still suffering from hurt and sore caused the guy he had to fight the night before
You drink your coffee on your way to the mall.. .
He spills his coffee as he runs to a tragic crash with kids trapped inside.
You make sure your cell phone is in your pocket before you leave the house.
He makes sure his gun is clean and fully loaded and his vest is tight
You talk trash about your "buddies" that are not with you...
He watches his buddy get shot at,and wounded in front of him.
You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls...
He walks down the highway looking for body parts from a tragic crash.
You complain about how hot it is...
He wears fifty pounds of gear and bullet proof vest under the scotching sun and still runs around chasing crack heads
You go out to lunch,and complain because the restaurant got your orders wrong...
He runs out before he gets his food to respond to an armed robbery incident.
You get out of bed in the morning and take your time getting ready...
He gets call and get out of bed at 2 am after working 12 hours and has to rush to work as soon as possible for a traffic homicide
You go into the mall and get your hair done...
He holds the hair of some college girl while shes vomiting in the back of his patrol car
You are angry because your class ran 5 minutes over...
His working shift ended 4 hours ago and there is no end in sight.
You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight...
He cannot make any plans because on his off days he still get back to work
You yell and scream at the patrol car that just past you because they slowed you down...
He is in the driver seat of the patrol car, going to rescue someone out of their car only to find out that they are dead when he gets there.
You roll your eyes when a baby cries in public...
He picks up a dead child in his arms and prays that he/she was crying.
You criticize your police department and say they are never quick enough...
He blasts the siren while the person in front of him refuses to move while talking on his cell phone and doing her makeup.
You hear the jokes about fallen officers and say they should have known better...
He is a hero and runs into situations when everyone else is running away in order to make sure no one else gets hurt and loses his life doing it.
You are asked to go to the grocery shop by your parents. You do not...
He would take a bullet for his buddy without questions.
You sit there and judge him, saying that its a waste of money to have them around...
Yet as soon as you need help he is there.
I just can't stop crying while reading this poem. I've been thinking of my dad. Each time he step out the door to go to work, I look at him and pray for his safety. Bagi saya kalian boleh katakan apa saja yang buruk mengenai pasukan polis seolah-olah tiada yang baik tentang mereka. Tapi sedar atau tidak tanpa mereka, tak mungkin anda boleh tidur lena dalam rumah berhawa dingin bertilam empuk. Tanpa mereka anda takkan mampu melangkah bergaya dengan wang penuh di saku. Dan tanpa mereka mungkin anda atau anak anda atau adik-adik perempuan anda dirogol berkali-kali kerana tiada siapa untuk anda berlindung diri. Sedar atau tak sedar berpuluh-puluh tahun anda hidup dengan aman di negara ini adalah hasil kerja keras pasukan polis yang bergadai nyawa memikul tanggungjawab menjaga keselamatan semua. Anda masih tidak tahu berterima kasih?
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