♥ Mia Heart Beating ♥

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♥ Holla. Call me Dya. Just wanna drop some thoughts and as what u can see, i'm recording my journey here. Well I'm just an ordinary person, simple, lovable (annoying sometimes) and u guys are very welcome to be my friends. Single, but not available. Taken, but not possessed. Have a nice day!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Holla love!

Since u was a little kid, people around u might say “Hey kid. Be BIG. Have a BIG dream and go get a BIG house, BIG car and a BIG life.” Day by day, year by year, we become BIG with a very BIG dream to have BIG things that we believe only BIG will completed life.

Well, more than making it BIG, how about make a different? Sebab tak semua benda yang BESAR tu menjamin kesempurnaan. Sometimes the small things could give a big effect. Macam contohnya kita ada rumah besar yang mewah, tapi sebenarnya kita sepi dan sunyi. Berbeza kalau kita cuma ada rumah kecil, tapi penuh dengan gelak ketawa ahli keluarga. Rasanya yang mana lebih bahagia?

I guess I have more lessons to learn and I understand that not everyone has the same fate and opportunities and of course not every people have it good in life. Some people were born rich, money everywhere and anywhere. But some people keep struggling to get a new better life and to become rich.  Nothing is fair in this world, dude (but this is from my own experiences, u don’t have to agree). Sometimes I feel jealous with my friends who can buy anything, everything they want. Tak perlu risau loan PTPTN tak masuk lagi. Tak perlu ikat perut sebab takut nak call Ayah beritahu duit dah habis. Anytime rasa stress, boleh hangout and do a shopping therapy. Money is not a problem at all. 

Money nowadays is everything. EVERYTHING. With money u can even buy a love (fake one, of course). Without money also u can lose a love.  But honestly, saya respect people yang boleh survive TANPA KEKAYAAN. Instead of looking for materials, they prefer to have things that money can’t buy. LOVE and HAPPINESS.

Speaking of which, a lot of us forget that Happiness is a choice. So choose to be happy coz everybody deserve it. Tolong lah sekarang bukan masa untuk duduk melayan perasaan dan jiwa kacau. Tuhan Cuma beri kita peluang sekali untuk hidup, so do the best. Cari banyak-banyak pengalaman dan sebarkan seberapa banyak kasih sayang untuk orang di sekeliling kita.

And remember, when you go out there in the real world, u would realize that people will eat u alive and u cannot do it on ur own. U must have a solid support system like family and friends whom u can run to when u are broken. Do not blame others for what u have become because at the end of the day, u have free will and a chance to claim ur own destiny.

 p/s : Go go go Dya! Do it to be a better person, a better woman who can face the world with her head up high and a Julia Roberts smile on her face! U totally deserve it. (0.~)

1 comment:

  1. Salam...im ur junior...xtau akak knl x....but im really impress with this sharing....everything is just the same with me now....thanks
